Events for October 16, 2021 - October 6, 2021

Breaking the Academic Mold – Workshop, Online

Breaking the Academic Mold Liberating the Powerful, Personal Voice Inside You Many scholars yearn to speak to a broader audience through creative nonfiction, blogs, op-eds, [...]

Emerging Writers Workshop, Online

Collegeville Institute participants (accepted via application) attend a virtual writing workshop that will involve formal seminars, individual mentorship and goal setting, peer-to-peer work, and time for [...]

Publishing in Color Conference, Online

Sophfronia Scott will present an informational session on the Alma College MFA in Creative Writing graduate program. Exact date and time TBD.

Tuesdays with Merton, Online Presentation

Sophfronia Scott will be in conversation with members of the International Thomas Merton Society. Details TBD, but registration will be at link below when available. [...]

Madeleine Mornings, Online Writers’ Retreat

Inspired by the late Madeleine L’Engle (A Wrinkle in Time), these virtual mini-retreats, co-hosted by Sarah Arthur and Sophfronia Scott,  are designed to spark insight, [...]

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