Events for August 19 - March 22

Eat and Read at Melba’s, New Orleans, LA

Sophfronia Scott will sign copies of her new novel Wild, Beautiful, and Free, as part of a communal literacy awareness project. The books will be [...]

Madeleine Mornings, Online Writers’ Retreat

Inspired by the late Madeleine L’Engle (A Wrinkle in Time), these virtual mini-retreats, co-hosted by Sarah Arthur and Sophfronia Scott,  are designed to spark insight, [...]

Glen Workshop, Seattle, WA

At the Glen, daily morning workshops offer artists at all skill levels an opportunity to develop their craft in a wide variety of genres with [...]

Reading and Book Signing, Lorain, Ohio

Lorain Historical Society 329 West 10th Street, Lorain, OH, United States

Sophfronia will be at the Lorain Historical Society on Friday, September 22nd at 7pm for a book signing event for her novel Wild, Beautiful, and Free. [...]

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