Breaking the Academic Mold – Workshop, Online

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Breaking the Academic Mold

Liberating the Powerful, Personal Voice Inside You

Many scholars yearn to speak to a broader audience through creative nonfiction, blogs, op-eds, and memoir. This workshop is for academics who have written mainly for peers but long to share their knowledge or personal experience in a more innovative way with a wider audience.

Participants in this workshop will develop their writing voice in service of topics about which they care, and about which they have some expertise. A combination of seminars, workshops, and individual instruction, our week together will help you unlearn the worst academic habits, free your creative spirit, structure your work more effectively, and speak on the page in a truer, more engaging voice. Our focus will be on releasing the professors’ voice to the public square.

This inaugural jointly sponsored Wabash Center/Collegeville Institute workshop is by invitation only. Invited participants are scholars and teachers of religion and theology.

Due to COVID precautions, the workshop will meet in the virtual sphere via Zoom.

Leadership Team
Sophfronia Scott, Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing, Alma College
Michael N. McGregor, Writing Faculty, Collegeville Institute
Dr. P. Kimberleigh Jordan, Associate Director of Educational Design, The Wabash Center

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