Sophfronia’s Blog
Kind Words
A blog about what I find amazing, smart, beautiful, or just plain fun.
When Once is Enough
Author Sophfronia Scott on when art moves us to point where we can't bear to look again.
The Sweetness of Friends
Author Sophfronia Scott on an unexpected encounter with friends that made everything unexpectedly better.
Fresh Start, Fresh Thoughts
Author Sophfronia Scott on not taking old thinking into new endeavors.
Shoes for the Cobbler’s Kids
Author Sophfronia Scott on sometimes using your talents and skills for yourself.
This is Your Home
Author Sophfronia Scott on concepts of home and where to find it.
Giving Yourself Time to Get Good
Author Sophfronia Scott on not beating yourself up while trying to learn a new skill.
The Magic and Danger of “Why”
Author Sophfronia Scott on what can happen when you ask the question.
The Conversations You Most Want to Have
Author Sophfronia Scott on the importance of tackling tough topics.