10 events found.
Let’s Just Write! An Uncommon Writers Conference 2024, Chicago, IL
Sophfronia will be available at a sponsored table at the conference to provide information and discuss the Alma College MFA in Creative Writing with interested [...]
Guild for Spiritual Guidance Retreat on Everyday Mysticism, Litchfield CT and Online
A Graduate Guild semi-annual weekend retreat with our presenter Sophfronia Scott, author of the book The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton (Broadleaf Books, [...]
The Bath Festival, Bath, England
Sophfronia will be in attendance at the famed literary festival.
Alma College MFA in Creative Writing Summer Residency 2024, Alma, MI
As director of Alma's MFA program, Sophfronia is pleased to announce its summer 2023 residency. Residency is the heart of the MFA experience. Students, faculty, [...]