Events for March 23, 2018 - November 3, 2017

Meacham Writers’ Workshop, Chattanooga, TN

Sophfronia will be a visiting writer at this renown conference held on the campuses of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Chattanooga State Community [...]

Reading, The Carson McCullers House, Nyack, NY

Carson McCullers House 131 S. Broadway, Nyack, NY, United States

An evening of open mic readings and music followed by a reading by featured author Sophfronia Scott. Hosted by River River and The Carson McCullers [...]

Author Event, Alma College Library, Alma, MI

Alma College 614 W. Superior St, Alma, MI, United States

Church, Jazz, Fashion, & Baseball: Transporting an 18th-Century French Classic to 1940s Harlem Please join Dr. Bob Vivian for a conversation with author Sophfronia Scott, [...]

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