Alma College MFA in Creative Writing Summer Residency 2024, Alma, MI
As director of Alma's MFA program, Sophfronia is pleased to announce its summer 2023 residency. Residency is the heart of the MFA experience. Students, faculty, [...]
Wabash Center Creative Writing Roundtable, Chattahoochee Hills, GA
A Wabash Center workshop. This writing workshop, held at the Inn at Serenbe, is for scholars of religion and theology who have written exclusively or [...]
Glen Workshop 2024, Seattle, WA
At the Glen, daily morning workshops offer artists at all skill levels an opportunity to develop their craft in a wide variety of genres with [...]
“A Circle of Quiet” The Madeleine L’Engle Writing Retreat, Petoskey, MI
This year the L’Engle Writing Retreat will take place in beautiful Petoskey, Michigan on the shores of Little Traverse Bay, back-to-back with the annual Northern [...]
Sermon, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Petoskey, MI
Emmanuel Episcopal Church 020 E Mitchell St., Petoskey, MI, United StatesSophfronia will deliver the sermon at the 1oam service and answer questions at the coffee hour afterwards.
The Literary Cleveland Inkubator Writing Conference, Cleveland, OH
Sophfronia will represent the Alma College MFA in Creative Writing at the conference bookfair
Veterans Writing Workshop, Alma College, Alma, MI
Veterans have stories to tell—stories that are powerful, healing, and inspirational. To honor those words and help bring them to light, the Alma College MFA [...]
Alma MFA Winter Residency, Lake Junaluska, NC
The MFA community will gather for lectures, readings, and workshop.
CPI Colloquy, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, IN
Leading sessions on creative writing for those writing about how to teach preaching.