Madeleine L’Engle Conference: Walking on Water, All Angels’ Church, New York, NY

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“In art we are once again able to do all the things we have forgotten; we are able to walk on water; we speak to the angels who call us; we move, unfettered, among the stars.” Madeleine L’Engle, Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art

In celebration of Madeleine L’Engle’s centenary year, this inaugural conference brings together a diverse group of artists and seekers to explore, challenge, and deepen our creative lives. Just as Madeleine spoke fluently across boundaries that frequently divide us, the conference features speakers and welcomes attendees who are guided by the desire to ask questions rather than prescribe answers. The conference has a combination of keynote addresses, panel discussions, and workshops that will be of interest to people across faith traditions who are interested how faith and art inform each other. There will also be sessions on the works and influence of Madeleine L’Engle, and opportunities for alumni/ae of her workshops to reunite and share stories.

Sophfronia will teach a breakout session at 2:15pm on Saturday entitled “Feeding the Lake: A Journaling Workshop.”

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