Author Talk, Ridgefield Public Library, Ridgefield, CT

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Ridgefield Library and Books on the Common are pleased to welcome Sophfronia Scott who will disccuss her recently released novel Unforgivable Love. 

Scott was nominated for best new author at the African American Literary Awards and hailed by Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. as “potentially one of the best writers of her generation.” Her essays, short stories, and articles have appeared in Killens Review of Arts & Letters, Saranac Review, Numéro Cinq, Ruminate, Barnstorm Literary Journal, Sleet Magazine,, More, and O, The Oprah Magazine.

Unforgivable Love is set in the glittering, dramatic world of Harlem in the summer of 1947 – Jackie Robinson has broken the color barrier in major league baseball and temperatures are skyrocketing. Mae Malveaux and Valiant Jackson, two powerful schemers who are both very accustomed to getting what they want, are caught up in a thrilling game of cat and mouse with very real consequences, where innocence is the prize. But they are unprepared for what can happen between a woman and man when the thrill of the chase spirals wildly out of control. Scott deftly tackles themes of love, faith, lost innocence, betrayal, and redemption in this stunningly original novel.

“…An elegant page turner that transcends time and place.”—Bret Lott New York Times bestselling author of Jewel

Books will be available for sale and signing at the event.

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